Living the Fuck out of life
On my flight home last week, I sat beside a lovely woman from a small midwestern state. Herself and her husband were going on an Alaskan cruise for 2 weeks, the first time she'd been on vacation for more than a week.
Before we took off, she shared that the doctors cleared her husband to travel after recovering from Encephalitis. He hasn't been the same since and let me know this could be one of the last times they could enjoy their travels together. Regretfully, she wished they would have gone travelling sooner, but now was better than never.
What my conversation left me with was two fold. First, I felt so much love for this woman for not wasting another moment and going on a beautiful vacation with her husband. And second, I felt re-invigorated to not waste another moment of life and not feel trapped by it. The experience reminded me of a quote I read from Tools of Titans:
“The more we associate experience with cash value, the more we think that money is what we need to live. And the more we associate money with life, the more we convince ourselves that we’re too poor to buy our freedom.”
Ultimately, this isn't about the big things: leaving your mediocre job, or launching a tech start-up, or finally meditating for 30 minutes every day. This is about the little things. Do I want to waste another moment complaining about the weather? Do I want to keep prolonging the art project that's waiting? Do I want to stay mad at my partner?
When filming with Taylor Phinney last year, we met one Joe, one of his family friends at a bar in Salinas. Joe is incredibly successfully, not just in monetary senses, but in how he finds appreciation for all things in life. After having a few drinks, Joe shared a piece of wisdom with us: "The secret to life is living the fuck out of it."
Happy Monday and go live the fuck out of your life.