Create like a motherfucker
“Writing is hard for every last one of us—straight white men included. Coal mining is harder. Do you think miners stand around all day talking about how hard it is to mine for coal? They do not. They simply dig.”
Replace "writing" with another meaningful activity: care taking, teaching, drawing, listening, starting a business, meditating, being a partner, etc. And I feel like the sentiment remains the same.
After waking up a couple days in a row in a bad funk, I wanted to re-read this "DEAR SUGAR" article. I had a feeling that Cheryl Strayed would deliver some wisdom that my inner self needed to hear. The article is entitled "WRITE LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.' In it, a struggling 26 year old writer writes to Sugar about her inability to write a book and strive to be like David Foster Wallace. Cheryl writes back a compassionate, humbling and inspiring letter back. You should take a few minutes and read it here.
Here's one of the quotes that especially resonated with me:
“We get the work done on the ground level. And the kindest thing I can do for you is to tell you to get your ass on the floor. I know it’s hard to write, darling. But it’s harder not to. The only way you’ll find out if you “have it in you” is to get to work and see if you do. The only way to override your “limitations, insecurities, jealousies, and ineptitude” is to produce. You have limitations. You are in some ways inept. This is true of every writer, and it’s especially true of writers who are twenty-six. You will feel insecure and jealous. How much power you give those feelings is entirely up to you.”
For me, this is letter is a beautiful reminder to keep showing up, day after day, even if I don't feel like it. When I'm feeling good, bad, happy, excited or sad, what I can always come back to is the work. So today, on this day of love -- I give myself this gentle reminder to show up for the things and people I love.
Show up and dig. Show up and write. Show up and create.