What does falling down an icy slope have to do with creativity? 


Life is like skinning on an icy track for the first (or third) time. You might lose your footing and slip down the slope for a couple meters. Totally like how I did this last weekend.

I slipped off an icy skin track and had to self-arrest (ie: stop myself from sliding down an icy slope). I was a definitely freaked out that I fell and maybe a little more pissed that I had to boot pack my way back up a couple meters and then continue skinning along until we got to the crest of the ridge. Holy shit, things got real, very fast. Full disclosure: this is my first year in the backcountry and luckily I was with some skilled folks who coached me through it. 

Anyways, what did I learn and what does this have to do with creativity? 

There is always the risk of slipping and falling. In fact, in order to push the boundaries of what we are creatively capable of, we will slip and fall. There is no doubt about that.  

Life is full of icy skin tracks: projects that push us, demanding clients, unexpected life events that overwhelm us. But regardless of all these unplanned circumstances, we still are aiming to reach out goal. And really, the only way is forwards. Or in my case, around to a lower, less steep track that helped me get a better grip with my skins. 

What else is there to do, but continue, with deep breaths, one step at a time.